三明治工在與非營利組織合作的過程中,經常遇到理念很棒但缺乏資源的單位,也一直探索更友善環境的展演方式,於是發展出展架租借計畫-Easy Gallery!
Easy Gallery希望能以租借取代製作,減少一次性材料使用,也降低倡議組織製作展覽的溝通時間與成本,更容易,更專注,更輕鬆的把理念傳遞給社會大眾。除了展架,也有燈具,電視等設備可供選擇,歡迎與我們聯繫,一起實踐更快,更好,更容易的展演方式。
合作請洽詢[email protected]。
When cooperating with non-profit organizations, Sandwishes Studio often encounters units with great ideas but lack of resources. We have also been exploring more environmentally friendly exhibition methods, so we developed the exhibition rack rental program-Easy Gallery!
Easy Gallery hopes to replace production with rental, reduce the use of disposable materials, and also reduce the communication time and cost for advocacy organizations to produce exhibitions, making it easier, more focused, and easier to convey ideas to the public.In addition to exhibition stands, there are also lamps, TVs and other equipment to choose from. Welcome to contact us and practice a faster, better and easier way of exhibition together.
Please contact [email protected] for cooperation.